Our Promise

Let’s gather around and hold hands for a second. It’s time to talk about our promise to you – yeah you, that righteous individual who loves cornhole. Our company’s mission is to help everyone around the country discover how awesome this game can be. We plan to do that by providing excellent cornhole products at fair prices backed by excellent customer service. From the very beginning, our most important goal has been to satisfy our customers - exceptional care for our customers has always been the cornerstone of our business and the attribute that separates us from the rest of the pack.
We can promise you with 100% certainty that we will always provide quality constructed cornhole bags with impeccable graphics and designs. If we wouldn’t buy and use the bags, we wouldn’t sell them. Period. We will process your order, produce your bags, and ship them as quickly as humanly possible. After all, we know you want your bags, like yesterday, and we’ll get them to you ASAP. We will do our part and rely on our shipping company i.e. FedEx, USPS, to do their part and deliver them quickly.
This next topic is pretty damn important to us at CornholeAntics HQ. You may have heard that things are a little rough in our country these days. Although we still live in the best country ever created, economically we’re not doing as well as we should be. People are hurtin’ and that just ain’t right.

We feel extremely fortunate to live in a kickass country where we can start a business and pursue our dreams. Yet, today most companies are outsourcing jobs and manufacturing to other countries. There are even companies that have the word “American” in their damn name that are outsourcing jobs. Economically this makes sense, but we feel that if you live here and do business here, you should give back to the country that supports you.
That’s why we are committed to designing and manufacturing our products here in the US of A. When other companies are worried about penny pinching and corporate bonuses, we’ll be doing what’s right. Hot Damn!
This may be an expensive way to run our business. Honestly, it would be cheaper to have our bags manufactured in China (regretfully, we’ve checked). But, as long as you are willing to spend your hard earned money with us, we will spend the capital on American employees – whether it’s marketing, manufacturing, customer service, etc.
We will give back to veterans – those badass Americans who defend and serve our country. We will do whatever we can to return the favor. We will employ veterans, provide veteran discounts, donate to support veteran causes, and whatever else we can do help those who protect the people and places we value dearly.
Finally, we know the only way we will be successful is by helping people. Call it karma, the golden rule, or whatever – in life, you get what you give. So you have our promise that we will always keep your best interest in mind. Our focus is always on you, our customer. Our aim is to ensure that the value we deliver our customers far exceeds every dollar we receive. We know we have a possible friend waiting in each and every one of you, so we will always treat every customer like our own best friend.
– Ruben, Max, Maureen, and the rest of the Antics team